South China Sea NewsWire

The monthly roundup of what matters

Scientific collaboration could ease tensions in the South China Sea

South China Sea NewsWire’s Managing Editor David Hessen reviews a survey of South China Sea experts and academics that evaluates methods of regional conflict de-escalation. Hessen then considers if bilateral scientific diplomacy might be the key or reducing tension and improving regional environmental health.

What one more dash in the South China Sea tells us about China’s game

South China Sea NewsWire’s contributing researcher Collin Koh evaluates China’s decision to add another dash to its well-known “Nine Dash Line” and the implications for Chinese strategy and regional responses.

Asia-Pacific nations worry as Biden-Xi talk set for APEC

South China Sea NewsWire’s own James Borton tackles the challenges that Asia-Pacific nations face as U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping meet in San Fransisco for APEC. Borton also considers the risks, and opportunities, that stand before the U.S. President going into this conversation.

The U.S. Can Still Avoid War with China over Taiwan

AEI Nonresident Senior Fellow Oriana Skylar Mastro’s article discusses the deterioration of relations between China and the United States over the future of Taiwan, the provocations each side has taken in the last few years, and the potential steps the United States can take to avoid the dispute turning into a devastating conflict.

In Cambodia, a military base as a tool of influence for Beijing

In this featured article, Senior Contributing Researcher Benjamin Blandin analyzes China’s military base in Ream, Cambodia, how this base came to be, and its strategic implications for China’s South China Sea naval policies. In addition, Blandin explores Cambodia’s perspective in its close relationship with China yet its ability to build ties with other powers.

Artificial islands: Beijing’s risky strategy in the South China Sea

In this featured article, Senior Contributing Researcher Benjamin Blandin analyzes China’s buildup of islands and military assets in the South China Sea. He explores the size and facilities of Chinese-held South China Sea islands, their usefulness to the PLA and Beijing’s overall policy objectives in the region, and their inherent risks to China’s power projection in the event of a full-on conflict.

    Our monthly news aggregator identifies the central articles on news and regional developments. Our team of editors offer concise summaries for easy access to articles, conferences, podcasts, videos and integrated media.